Last month was super light on photos. I made a concentrated effort this month to take more photos and have a good amount to share this time around! Let’s jump right in.
Joe and I celebrated our WBWD (“would have been wedding day”…that’s an Alyssa original 😂). I made us a wedding cake and Joe bought me flowers, and family and friends sent gifts to let us know they were thinking of us. It was incredibly sweet.
I went to the Met and continued the process of visiting different sections. I ran into Sheetal while I was there and it was so good to see a friendly face in my favorite place.
I also visited the NY Historical Society and took a look at their outdoor exhibit. It was a series of photos and audio recordings about experiencing the early days of the pandemic in the city.
We’ve gotten to see quite a few friends this month, which has been so great! Trying to take advantage of outdoor hangouts before the weather changes.
We got an Instant Pot and Joe made the most delicious carnitas. I’m excited to keep experimenting with it and have a feeling this will be a favorite winter activity.
Sheetal and I met up for ice cream and I am absolutely in love with Emack & Bolio’s Cookie Monster ice cream; its a combination of cookie dough and cookies and cream. Is there anything better?
My morning walks (part of my quarantine routine) have continued to keep me sane.
I don’t usually share my outfits (although if you want to laugh, check out my second ever blog post from 2013. Please notice that I give myself “photo credit” for a selfie 😂), but I was really feeling this all white look. Finding comfortable shoes are such a struggle for me. The verdict is still out on these, but I am obsessed with the way they look.
What have you been up to this month?
-Alyssa J
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