Ok, so my birthday is at the end of January which means I haven’t been 20 for too long, but boy have I already learned a lot! I still can’t get over the fact that I’m no longer a teenager….
Must Hear: Andrew Belle
Inadvertently, I have my professor to thank for discovering Andrew Belle. When I walked into my professor’s office to practice for my upcoming sales competition, I enjoyed the classical music he was listening to. He told me that he absolutely…
Why I Gave Up Television…Except For Downton Abbey
If there’s one thing in my life that I’ve given too much time to without reward, it is television. Sure, there’s entertainment value and it’s a good way to relax during downtime, but in the long run it is not…
How To Choose A College
Decision making is a funny thing. Most of the time when you make a decision it is not long lasting or life altering. Although it may seem like it at the moment, choosing where you go to college does not…
5 Ways To Be Your Own Best Friend
I recently read a quote that resonated with me: There is only one relationship you will be in forever and that is with yourself. It struck me how true it is and how since this is the case your relationship…
Blog Elements I Hate
I am in no way, shape or form a blog design expert! It took me many months to get a layout I was happy with and I know that there is certainly room for improvement. I am, however, an avid…