It happens all the time. Every hour of every day of every year, in fact (and no, I don’t have any statistics to back this up, but I am fairly certain it is true). What is “it” you ask? People…
The Busy Phenomenon & How To Overcome It
I am so pleased to share with you that my first article is up on Her View From Home! Her View From Home is “a lifestyle magazine that connects your view to the rest of the world” and is written by…
Her Campus 22 Under 22
She’s passionate, motivated, caring, influential, driven, inspiring. She works tirelessly to make her vision a reality and will always stop to help others. We all know someone like this (you might even be her!) and Her Campus is recognizing 22…
Preparing For The Future
Get ready for another linkup with the lovely ladies from The Well! Be sure to check out my other posts from the linkup here. The question of the month is What are you doing (now) to prepare yourself for a better…
Make The Most Of Your Morning Routine
I am an early bird, no doubt about it. My body naturally wakes up in the 6 o’clock hour regardless of what time I go to bed; this is both a blessing and a curse, but it does mean that…
Freebie: Desktop Background
I’m trying really hard to develop my eye for design and have been messing around making desktop backgrounds. I actually really like this one and thought you might too (the main reason I like it is because of the John…