Oh my, move-in day is nearly upon us. It’s hard to believe that another summer is over (I’m incredibly happy to be going back to school. I know, I’m strange) but get excited for the upcoming semester! As a CA…
Digital Minimalism: Photos
As I introduced last week, I am going to run a digital minimalism series and we’re kicking it off with digital photos! So, I don’t know about you, but I take quite a few photos. Well that’s an understatement; I…
A History Lover Rant
The other day I was at my internship (at Target!) and noticed a little book in the dollar section with the painting The Signing of the Constitution by John Trumbull on the cover. Upon further investigation I discovered that this little…
Digital Minimalism Series
Welcome to another minimalism post! Keeping in line with my commitment to be more thorough and provide you with higher quality posts as opposed to a great quantity of posts, we’re going to cover a lot so get ready. I’ve…
Rickshaw Run
I am all about anything and everything Indian, so when I stumbled upon this miniseries on YouTube I was instantly captivated. JacksGap is a YouTube channel and blog all about travel run by Jack and Finn Harries from the UK…
Minimalism: Do You Need To Buy It?
I’ve always been one who loves to throw things away; I actually get a sort of high whenever I clean out a part of my room. As I’ve been ramping up my efforts to have less things I realized that,…