For a very long time Halloween was my favorite holiday (before I changed over to Independence Day). Dressing up, eating chocolate, crisp weather, and not having to worry about gifts all serve to make Halloween a delight. While a holiday…
The Guaranteed Way To Achieve Your Goals
There is nothing like achieving goals, is there? When you set your mind to something, work like crazy, and then accomplish it? In the past I’ve posted about how to make your dreams a reality and how to set principles…
You Are More Than Your Body
The other day I was in a situation that made me incredibly sad. I was sitting in a place where I was able to listen to two girls have an extensive discussion about their weight. They covered every facet from…
Flirting Etiquette
Aaaaaaaand we’re back with another relationship video with Patrick (take a look at our Dating Etiquette video here and our 7 Reasons They Stopped Texting You video over here)! Today we are discussing flirting 101 and how you can be…
3 Informative Blogging Resources
There is A LOT of information out there about blogging. Sometimes it can get overwhelming (and, frankly, repetitive) to keep up with all of the content produced. Another troubling factor is how this saturation of advice can sway you from…
Minimalist Evening Skincare Routine
If you haven’t noticed, I am a firm believer that less is more. I live this principle out in my spending, my shopping, my digital life, my papers, my media (social and otherwise)…and the list goes on. Another place where…