Since graduating and starting work full time in the city a good amount of my time is spent in transit. From bobbing and weaving as I navigate my daily walks through midtown, to the bus, to the subway, I am…
IBM Summit Program Weeks: 11&12
Check out weeks 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8, and 9&10 here! On Monday I made my way back to Armonk for the second Global Sales School training as part of the Summit program. The experience was remarkably different from the first time I…
How To Revisit Your Goals For Fall
It’s back to school time, which automatically makes me want to set semester goals and pull out a clean notebook and reset my mind for a new chapter of learning (check out this post on the guaranteed way to achieve…
IBM Summit Program: Weeks 9&10
Check out weeks 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, and 7&8 here! A lot of big things happened over the past two weeks. There was a solar eclipse. Taylor Swift released her first song in an eternity. And I spent more time talking…
Let’s Talk About Chronic Illness
People always talk about how if you have your health, you have everything. I’ve always acknowledged that statement, but never fully realized how the way you physically feel can impact every single aspect of your life. Without going in to…
IBM Summit Program: Weeks 7&8
Check out weeks 1&2, 3&4, and 5&6 here! It’s getting harder and harder to remember everything that happens over the course of two weeks. From client site visits, to Yankee Stadium, to making my way over to the newest IBM…