Happy spring! The first weekend of the month was absolutely beautiful out. Joe and I were walking around outside and talked about what a huge difference the weather makes in our enjoyment of the city. Rather than struggling to find…
Mindset Shift To Increase Positivity
I just got together with Kajal this past week and we realized it had been months since we’d seen one another. We launched into our life updates. How’s your work/schooling? How’s your health? How’re your friends and family? There’s always…
Back In Time (Bonus!): Forney In Europe
This week should be an etiquette post. Instead, it’s your lucky day and I’m doing a bonus Back In Time post instead! Last week we talked about the Centennial Exhibition in Philly in 1876. I mentioned that John Weiss Forney went…
Back In Time: The Centennial Exhibition
I feel in love with a painting at The Met when I went with Hansel a few weekends ago. It’s called The Ameya and was painted by Robert Frederick Blum in 1893. Blum went to Japan to illustrate a series…
March 2019 Monthly Recap
After an action packed February, I was glad to have a more relaxed March. At the start of the month Chrystalla, James, Joe and I went to Break in Astoria, which is a very fun bar that has tons of…
Missing The Past
Do you ever feel so overwhelmed that it’s easier to do nothing than to actually try and work on your to do list? That’s been me for a few weeks now. I was at the peak of overwhelm right when…