Pretty sure this is the most eventful month of my life so far (the cover image is a taste of what is to come…). Get ready!!! I moved into Manhattan! On July 1 Mama, Papa, and I packed up the…
Short Story: My Purpose
We are majorly changing things up today! I was talking with Joe recently about how we wrote fiction as kids and that I wish I had saved more of my writing (I should have taken the advice from this post…
Best Quotes of Downton Abbey
I love Downton Abbey. So much. In fact, back in 2015 when I gave up television for a time, Downton Abbey was my only exception (so I suppose I didn’t truly give it up, but anyway). What I love about…
How To Change Jobs The Right Way
In my June monthly recap I included a photo of me in a new office and announced that I’d left IBM to join Looker. If you’ve followed along with my IBM journey (both my internship and full time experience) you’d…
June 2019 Monthly Recap
Summer is in full swing! There have been some big moments this month and some simple joys. Let’s jump right in to the fun. At the very start of the month my family and Joe went bowling. My parents beat…
Back in Time: Richard Somers
This past weekend I went with Joe to his home town to see his sister Emma perform in a dance recital. On the way there, I noticed a sign for the historic Somers Mansion. While we didn’t have time to…