Nearly three years ago, I got my skin in order. You can read all about my skincare journey here, and today I wanted to take you through the products I use on a regular basis that keep my skin in…
FAQs About My Career in Sales
Hello my friends, I hope you’re having a great week! I procrastinated and didn’t write this post until the night before publishing, so I feel much more real time and chatty. If you’ve been following for a while you may…
Upper West Side 1 Bedroom Apartment Tour
It’s finally here! My long anticipated (by me at least) apartment tour. It’s hysterical because I asked Joe to help me film and predicted it would take about half an hour…it took about 10 minutes and the video is a…
September 2019 Monthly Recap
This month included a bunch of museum time, outdoor fun, and wedding planning! I’m going to cheat and go back one day in August that wasn’t included in the previous recap – celebrating Austen’s birthday! If you don’t know who…
Back in Time: Ebenezer Stevens
Yay for another back in time post! I visited the New York Historical Society recently (check out my Instagram Stories for all of my museum adventures) and there is a special exhibition on Paul Revere. I learned about the man…
The Importance of Confidence
I recently had breakfast with a girl friend, and we had a lot of catching up to do. As it usually happens, the catching up turned into a coaching session and we were helping each other think through challenges. We’re…