The book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie changed my life. I first read it when I was entering high school, coming off of a less than stellar middle school experience with friends. My father gave…
July 2020 Monthly Recap
July tends to be a favorite month for me because we get to celebrate the best holiday – Independence Day! This July was rather subdued, but the biggest excitement was my bridal shower that my mother threw for me. Even…
Quarantine Routine To Keep You Sane
Here we are, in August, and I feel like I’m in the movie Groundhog Day. The same thing happens over and over, but somewhere along the way during this quarantine I finally got into a routine that works. Or at…
An Essential Guide to Visiting the Met
I’ve been having major withdrawals with the Met being closed. BUT it’s opening again at the end of August and I cannot wait to get back. Today I’m sharing my essential guide for visiting the Met. With my series, #findmeatthemet,…
Historical Fiction Books You Must Read
It’s no secret around here that I love historical fiction. While real life can be even more wild than fiction, I have an appreciation for authors who can weave both together. Today, I’m excited to share a round up of…
Virtual Meeting Etiquette
A little while back I wrote a post about quarantine etiquette and in that post I talked about video meetings. My company has announced we won’t do any in person customer meetings until at least 2021, and I’m sure many…