For more minimalism posts, go here. For more college posts, check it out here. It can be hard to be a minimalist, especially when you are packing for a new situation where you don’t know exactly what to expect. When…
Business: Who Can Compete With Amazon?
So, I have a sort of minor obsession with Amazon. The way that the retailer has come to dominate the world of online shopping is simply amazing to me. What is even more amazing is that the company’s profit margin…
New York City
I recently spent a day in the city because my brother had a dance convention to attend. After dropping him off I went to explore Manhattan! The first stop was central park. There were soooo many dogs running around because…
How To Leave A Clickable Link
I spent a while trying to figure out how to leave a clickable link in the comments on blogs. After all, we know how useful it is to be taken directly to a site when clicking on a link instead…
Student Rate
Ok, so it’s been established that I don’t like to spend money. At all. Ever. But when I do have to begrudgingly remove my wallet from my purse I want to make sure that I’m getting the best deal possible….
Lessons of Harry Potter: Book Two
(Check out the intro to this series and other lessons). this image came from Paper, Pen, and Polaroids and I’m sort of in love! “Which goes to show that the best of us must sometimes eat our words” -Albus Dumbledore Dumbledore says…