I have a problem. A serious problem. I agree to do too much. For example, I went to the activities fair with some of the freshmen I mentor in the business school. When we got there I said to myself…
Office Hours Etiquette
One of the most important actions a college student can take to make the most of her classes is to attend the professor’s office hours. This time that a professor sets aside to be available to students is the perfect…
Weekend Recap
Fall weekends are kind of the best. Not only is the weather beautiful but there are so many fun things going on! This past Friday night there was a Garba celebration at TCNJ. Garba is a type of dance from…
College: Expectations v Reality
I love reading expectation v reality posts. Usually you’ll find these on Buzzfeed with great gifs that are always on point. Since this is my first time doing a post of this nature, and since I won’t be using gifs…
3 Easy Ways To Put Yourself Out There
We’ve all been advised that if we put ourselves out there good things will happen. We’ve been encouraged to take charge and make our presence known. As great as this advice is, it is not always easy to implement. What…
A Day In Princeton
My best friend Katie and I were so incredibly pleased to find out that we had the same fall break this year. We decided that she would come down to visit me (since I was stuck at school working…oh the…