Summer is in full swing! There have been some big moments this month and some simple joys. Let’s jump right in to the fun.
At the very start of the month my family and Joe went bowling. My parents beat us all, and were very proud.

I FINALLY had my long awaited birthday Cinnabon…5 months later. What can I say? I was waiting for the perfect one and the perfect time.

I headed to Texas with Yukon Training (one of the jobs I mentioned in my How To Manage Multiple Jobs post) to attend a conference and represent the company. Working with Dennis for the past three years has taught me so much and allowed me to hone my sales and coaching skills, and I could not be more grateful for the opportunity. It was also awesome to see the materials I worked on in the flesh!

We took clients to a baseball game and this ended up being the first of two baseball games this month.

Baseball game number two was at the Mets stadium for Joe’s friend’s birthday. We saw the most draw-dropping sunset.

B R U N C H. Need I say more?

We went to Joe’s family home for his little sister Emma’s recital. She was fabulous and we got to see Maddi and Dylan, two of Joe’s best friends.

I started a new job! So much more to come on this. I’m two weeks in and still trying to get my bearings, but there will be posts about what I’m up to now and some advice from my experience navigating the job search (and resignation) process.

Addison graduated high school and we headed up to MA to celebrate. It was awesome to see the family (all the grandparents!) and to see Addison go from a kid to a full blow adult. He went straight to his first gig the Monday after he graduated and I’m so proud and excited to see him pursuing his dreams.

Right when I came back I got to see Chrystalla and catch up on all the things going on in our lives, especially in the professional realm. It’s great to have friends in sales at other companies who instantly understand what we are going through and we can provide each other insight and advice. I especially love Chrystalla’s attitude and conversations with her are always a joy.

Sooo, this post was delayed because I was going to a Darling dinner and wanted to make sure it was included in the roundup post. Darling is a company that used to have a magazine (it’s no longer being printed because the margins were no good) and has a mission that resonated with me. I went to one of the first Darling dinner’s in 2015 and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life, no joke. Since this was just one interaction, as opposed to the full day I had in 2015, my expectations weren’t quite aligned, but I’m glad I went.

I’ve been trying to leave my office to take a quick walk or to eat lunch outside (breaks are encouraged here and I’m seeing that it really does help me to refocus).

This weekend Austen and I met up for a breakfast picnic and it was fabulous. She is such a wonderful person to talk to because she is honest and driven and all around awesome. We both are always on the run, so it was great to find a few hours for us to enjoy each other’s company.

Another solid month in the books. What have you been up to?! Check out more monthly recap posts here.
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