This month included a bunch of museum time, outdoor fun, and wedding planning!
I’m going to cheat and go back one day in August that wasn’t included in the previous recap – celebrating Austen’s birthday! If you don’t know who Austen is, check out her website and you can read the story of how we became friends here.
Joe and I started out the month with absolutely delicious food. We went to a place called Salumeria Rosi and it was delectable.

We rented bikes and rode along the Hudson in River Side Park. It was so charming!

I went to the Met a number of times this month. I’ve started creating highlights on my Instagram for museum visits, NYC, and snuff boxes (I’m obsessed with finding snuff boxes in museums. I think they’re interesting and beautiful).

Lady came to spend a weekend in the city and…we went to the Met. We wanted to see a live performance artist and Mama was very taken with him. We sat on the floor and watched him “create.” I was a bit dubious about his credibility, but then again I basically only like to look at old Dutch paintings, so who’s surprised?
We went to see Jersey Boys and it was such fun!

I’ve been spending as much time as I can out and about before the weather turns on us. I went to Central Park to read and write and I was feeling all happy and loving New York…and then I saw a mouse. It didn’t just scamper by, it was hanging out by my bench. I’m no Snow White or Cinderella, so I had to get out of there.

I went to a Yankee’s game with Looker and it was awesome to talk with coworkers outside of a work setting. I can hardly believe I’ve already been there for three months.

I spent a night at the NY Historical Society (free on Friday nights) and that inspired my most recent Back in Time post.

This month I also traveled to Atlanta for work and am getting into the swing of all the data things. It always feels so good to get in front of prospects face to face.

Wedding planning updates: We’ve chosen a venue and I picked out my dress! Lady and I went twice and were able to pick out the entire look, and my say yes to the dress dreams came true. I’m keeping everything pretty top secret and don’t think I’m going to do any big wedding posts before the actual day. I’ll most likely do a few recap and advice posts after the fact.
Another big month in the books! How was your September?
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