I’m late to getting this post up, but I didn’t want to let a year go without doing a recap! I’ve been doing this since 2014 – you can check out 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014. I take a look back at all of my monthly recaps and put together the highlights and themes that stood out from the year. Let’s jump in!

Let’s start with the obvious highlight of the year – I got pregnant and had a baby in 2023! I was thankful to have a healthy pregnancy (right up until I had to be induced and deliver 3 weeks early because of complications, but it all turned out ok!) and I got to travel and work and do all the things with the little baby in tow.

We did a photo shoot to announce the pregnancy in Florence and I celebrated my baby shower with friends and family. When the little guy arrived in October I fell in love very hard, very fast. There were definitely adjustment challenges for me through the end of the year, and I’m excited to continue to find our groove in 2024. I just shared a post all about what I did during trying to conceive, pregnancy, and postpartum that you can check out here.

I went to California a few times for work and Joe and I got to take a trip to Amsterdam (travel guide here) and Italy (travel guide here). Again, I was so grateful to feel good while pregnant and traveling!

Changing Jobs
While I stayed at Google, I did change roles part way through the year. I went from specializing in our data and analytics products to covering all of Google Cloud’s offerings for a few key customers. I absolutely love my work and am proud of how I’ve navigated the opportunities within the company. Another work highlight was participating in a development program to learn about how the best salespeople at Google support our top customers.

Buying a House
Another huge change this year was moving out of Manhattan and buying a house in New Jersey. We knew we wanted to live closer to family and have more space with the baby, plus we were in a position to invest in our first home. I love that we ended up in a townhouse where I can walk to the center of town and the library, and it feels like the perfect step in between city living and suburbia.
It’s been enjoyable to decorate and make the place feel like ours! I do miss the city terribly, but we’ve already gone in for the day just for fun and I’ll be back to commuting for work before I know it.

The rest 🙂
We went to weddings and bridal showers, and I hosted a small birthday celebration for myself. We went to concerts and shows. We dined out and ate in. Friends came to visit, we spent countless hours in Central Park. It was a fantastic year for all of the big events, and for the daily little moments.

What was the best part of your year?
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