This was officially the biggest month of my life – we had our baby!!! Needless to say I haven’t focused on much else since his arrival around the middle of this month, but I definitely still wanted to provide an update.

My maternity leave began in October and I was focused on cleaning the house, running errands, and getting settled into our new place.
I wish I could say that I got all of the tasks done that I wanted, but I had much less time than expected due to his early arrival, so that was not the case. Luckily I didn’t procrastinate too much so all of the important work was done, like washing his clothes and setting up a changing station.

It’s been a complete whirlwind since he was born, especially because we’re still doing things in the house like getting furniture set up and putting window dressings in each room. We have a few more key tasks, but the house is starting to feel like home and it’s wild to be a family of three now.
One other highlight of the month was celebrating our friends, Maddi and Dylan’s, wedding! Joe was the officiant and it was a beautiful, intimate evening. I am so happy we got to be part of it (and that it happened before our little boy arrived).
I’m not sure how often I’ll be writing over the coming months, but right now all I can say is that things are wonderful and I’m focused on adjusting to a completely new role as a parent with Joe. More to come at some undetermined point in the future!

This book was heart wrenching. It’s about an interracial couple who face impossible circumstances in trying to be together. In parallel, the woman from the relationship is traveling with a companion in present day who has her own set of problems.
I gave this book three stars because while the story was solid, the writing didn’t fully grab me and the big plot twists were predictable. If you’re looking for an emotional read, this is a great one, but it’s not necessarily a book I’d say you need to prioritize.

This book was a wild ride. There were so many story lines and intersecting characters and strange occurrences. I never knew what to expect next and found myself equally invested in all of the story lines (which is not an easy feat for an author). Murakami is known for his out there tales and this one is definitely worth a read.
You get to learn about a marriage breaking apart, the horrors of Japan’s campaign in Manchuria during World War II, people with special abilities and powers, and each storyline is rich with character development.
How was your October?
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