Well, hello there! I’ve felt a bit all over the place with my creativity (or lack thereof) recently and I wanted to take an opportunity to do a mid-year reset of sorts (like my friend Austen).

What’s been going on lately
In the post where I shared my pregnancy, I expressed my gratitude for the smooth experience I’ve had so far, especially given all of the other life things going on. It’s only recently when I had a Sunday afternoon to come up for air and do some reflection (this weekly planning process from the start of the year has admittedly fallen to the wayside in the last few months) to truly realize how much else is happening all at once and why I haven’t prioritized my creative pursuits.
For one, there’s a lot of doctor’s appointments that go into having a baby and it is even more time consuming because Joe and I have to go to New Jersey for each one! We’re still working with my long time OBGYN practice and I’ll be delivering in New Jersey because we’ll have moved by the time I’m due.
That leads into the other time consuming part of our lives right now – finding a home. I am so excited because we found a wonderful place that we’re in the process of locking down. I can’t wait to share more details and the process of decorating it once everything is officially official. It’ll still be a while until we move and we’ll likely come down to the wire on timing with having the baby and closing on the home – it’s going to be a packed autumn!
We’ll be furnishing the new home from scratch. First, this is because we are moving to a larger place and second, because we’re going to invest in new furniture to last us for the long term. This has been a lot of fun for me to think about, but it’s also a bit overwhelming and takes more time than I anticipated (are we seeing a theme here?).
The other big thing in our life is that we both started new jobs (me at Google and Joe at a totally new company) within in the last four months. I’m so thrilled with the work that I’m doing and love dedicating my time and energy to doing the best job I can. Learning a new team and customers has been intellectually stimulating, but also more draining than my past role. Add to it the tiredness that can come along with being pregnant, and you have a recipe for me prioritizing watching another episode of Downton Abbey instead of pulling out my laptop to podcast or blog at the end of a long day.
In addition to all of that, we’ve also been prioritizing spending time with friends and family while we’re still in the city and it’s just the two of us! I can honestly say this is one of the most happy, fulfilling, and joyous times of my life – there’s been less time for reflection and creativity, and more time for just being in the moment.
What’s next?
With ALL of that being said, where do I plan to take my content from here?
You can expect to see my monthly recaps and I’ll add my book reviews to each one as well (instead of the reviews living solely on Instagram).
I’ll also try to get either a podcast episode or another blog post up once a month. I have a few ideas, and now it’s about finding the time to execute!
There’s really only a few more months until my maternity leave starts, we move, and the baby arrives, so of course this is all subject to change then. But at least for the rest of the summer and the start of the autumn this is the plan.
Thank you for continuing to read and support my creative work!
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