I love January for many reasons, but especially because it’s the start of a fresh year and it’s my birthday month. This was another January that did not disappoint!

We started out the new year celebrating with James and Chrystalla in their home. It was a great way to ring in the new year!

For the first time I participated in an organized event at the Met called Observant Eye. A group gets together and looks at a piece of art with a member of the museum staff. You discuss what you see, learn about the history of the piece, and share your perspective. I was very happy because the piece chosen was a Vermeer! I love the Dutch!

We did indoor archery with our friends Carlton and Mandy and it was so fun! I did a decent job, but was definitely not a standout performer. We also ate dim sum and it was great!

We tried out a classic restaurant on the Upper West Side with my parents called Pastrami Queen and it was delicious.

My friend Hanna and I went to a comedy show at The Stand and loved getting pulled into the comedians’ jokes. Turns out I was the only married woman at the show on a Wednesday night 😂

I celebrated my birthday this month over a few days! I decorated the apartment with flowers and balloons (thanks, Lady!) and hosted my girlfriends for a birthday party and Joe took me out for a scrumptious meal at Frank’s. It was a perfect few days and I feel so happy to have these wonderful relationships!

I don’t have a picture for it, but there are two great things I committed to this month.
First, I started using a physical personal planner. I haven’t used a planner since high school (in college I had a notebook and did most things digitally) and I wanted to try it out for mostly personal life and some work. Wow. It has been the perfect tool to force me to slow down and think about how I spend my time. I’ve been doing weekly reviews, which include my highlights and areas for improvement, plus time to reflect on my mindset and goals for the week ahead. I want to keep using it for a few more months before writing a more in depth post.
Second, I did the 31 Days of Yoga challenge with Boho Beautiful. I ended up completing 75%, and I’m proud since I went from doing yoga once in a while to nearly every day. I decided to subscribe to the membership program so I can get access to prebuilt programs and calendars. It was easy to put on the video of the day and eliminate the decision making that I usually go through to pick out a video. I’m going to try this out for a few more months and will report back in another post.
How was your January? Is your year off to a good start?
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