It should be fairly obvious by now that I am fascinated with etiquette. Every time that I open my inbox and see that there is an email from the Emily Post Institute I am so excited! In the most recent newsletter they announced a new podcast called Awesome Etiquette. It is a question and answer format with Dan and Lizzie Post who are cousins and experts of all things proper. There is also a segment about traditional/historical etiquette rules which is especially interesting. Lastly, they have an etiquette salute which brings positivity to the show rather than keeping the focus on all the things people are doing wrong.

I’m not a podcast person as a general rule so this was a fun initiation into the genre. What’s really great is that Dan and Lizzie have different perspectives on some questions which makes it even more entertaining to listen to. I highly encourage you to check it out!
Do you have any podcast recommendations?
I love awesome etiquette. Another great podcast is Stuff Mom Never Told You from
I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the recommendation