May was a hard month for a number of reasons, but primarily because my grandfather passed away. This is my first grandparent to pass away (I’ve been so lucky!), and seeing how difficult it is for my parents has really been challenging. Knowing that there isn’t much you can do to ease others’ pain aside from being there to help and listen, and recognizing that time is the only thing that can truly heal, is a tough lesson to learn.

May did hold some fun, primarily going to concerts. I’ve loved getting back into seeing live music and have experienced a variety of artists. With the weather turning, there was also a lot of time spent outside and bopping around the city.
Never getting tired of these office views and it’s been fun to start eating outside.

I made a stop at the library and picked up an Edith Wharton novel. Reading her work always makes me feel like I’m transported back in time in New York.

Perfect nights in the city.

The first concert of the month was Aly & AJ and they were phenomenal! The outfits, the nostalgia, the class. I loved everything about it.

Sheetal and I spent an evening at the New York Historical Society and then the next morning I went to the Met, so I was getting a nice fill of museums.

I also went to see the Japan Day Parade, got myself some pizza, and admired flowers for the perfect weekend.

I changed up my order at Maman’s and got my first beignet and oh my goodness it was heavenly.

Riverside Park is showing off this month.

The next big concert of the month was going to Harry Styles with my sister-in-law Emma. She is a super mega fan, so I got to have the best time with her!

My father’s birthday was one weekend and we had a bunch of family time with delicious food, plus we went to see the Downton Abbey movie!!

We got together with Austen and Andrew to celebrate their engagement and are so excited for them to experience this next chapter. Getting to see your friends experience such happiness and love is a wonderful thing.

Casey came up to visit over Memorial Day weekend and we went to see a band she is a big fan of called Ginger Root at the Williamsburg Hall of Music.

Wanted to document these photos of my grandfather and me. I love and miss him ❤️

What did May have in store for you?
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