March has been an action packed month!

A big highlight for me is that I’ve been going back into the office with much more regularity. I am happiest when I’m around other people, and it’s been valuable to have an actual commute to get in a good mindset for the day and to decompress when work is done.

My weekends have been so nice and social! The first weekend of the month I got together with an old friend from college and hung out with Sheetal. I’ve also kept up my fairly regular Maman’s visits and enjoying our favorite pizza place, Made in NY.

I went back to Jersey the second weekend of March and got to see my friend Carly plus attend Chrystalla’s bridal shower! The wedding is coming up so soon and I’ve loved celebrating leading up to the big day.

That same weekend Joe’s parents came up to the city for a visit and we got to explore more of the UWS together, including checking out the Soldiers and Sailors Monument.

We’ve been back to concerts (woo hoo!) and got to see BADBADNOTGOOD at the Brooklyn Steel. General Admissions concerts can be tough for a shorty like me, but the venues we’ve been to have raised platforms in the back that make all the difference for my viewing experience.

I got to get together with my friend Christina, then we were back in Jersey for another weekend – mostly so we could go to our dentist, but it was a great side benefit to have my father’s fried chicken while we were there!

The last weekend of the month we headed up to Boston for my birthday gift – seeing Bleachers in concert! It was a fun road trip, the concert was awesome, plus I got to see my friend Tina.

Joe went to Norway at the end of the month and to keep myself busy while he was gone I went out with Sheetal for delicious Thai food and to a comedy show with my friend Hanna.

I am so happy with how socializing has really come back and I can’t wait for all of the upcoming fun this spring and summer!! What have you been up to?
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