Welcome to the first recap post of 2022! It’s coming to you a little later than usual because last week I shared my annual birthday post with lessons from the past year. You can check that post out here.

I hope you all had a great January and aren’t too impacted by the darkness and cold. I think there is a lot to embrace about this season (though I may be biased because it is my birthday month) and I have some fun activities to share!
At the start of January we undecorated from Christmas and I made a short apartment tour for Instagram. It felt good to have everything back in order.
I visited a few new museums this month, which was super fun (and also went to the Met a handful of times, or course)! The Museum of the City of New York was very interesting and had snuff boxes. The Transit Museum was interactive, but there were no snuff boxes.

The frigid weather hasn’t kept us from enjoying the city and we had a great time with our friends James and Chrystalla at Bryant Park.

I went down to the Oculus for the first time in a while to make my way over to Jersey City to hang out with Nina. We walked for miles and enjoyed the view and each other’s company 🥰

The last weekend of the month was spent celebrating my birthday! Joe and I had dinner out and went to a jazz club just as the big snow storm was starting. On my actual birthday we spent hours at the Met and I watched a ton of Downton Abbey – the perfect day.

What were you up to in January? Do you love or hate the first month of the year?
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