When I found out I had to get glasses (check out a real throw back post from 2013!) I immediately began to do some research on YouTube, the most reliable of all sources, for picking out the most flattering glasses. I stumbled upon the channel of The Girls With Glasses and have been hooked ever since.
First of all, their theme song is beyond adorable.
When it came to picking out my glasses, I loved their video with general advice and follow up videos with more specific tips.
These girls are always thrifty, funny, quirky, playful, and all around an absolute delight. One of the recent videos really stole my heart because I love anything to do with pirates, and cute children are a huge plus 🙂
What sets the GWG apart is their genuine joy for life and their kindness which flows in every video. They are classic and always behave like ladies. They prioritize their families, embrace their femininity, and are always smart.
Who are your favorite YouTube stars?
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