I was having a conversation with my mother recently about change. With each successive year of college I have felt my friendships shifting and evolving and changing. And I’m not a big fan. Sometimes it instantly feels like it’s for the better and other times it can be upsetting and disappointing (especially if it’s because you aren’t as close with someone as you once were). But here’s the thing: we are not in control of everything and change is an inevitability of life (just like rain and taxes…but we’re not going to get political in this post).

Something my mother said that warrants repeating was:
“Do you really think anything is ever going to stay the same? I mean, think about science. At one point we thought that there were nine planets, and now we’re down to eight. Pluto is out? Who would have ever thought that Pluto would get kicked out. But you see, even science changes.”
And you know what? She’s 100% right, as mothers so often are. That’s why today we’re going to discuss 3 ways to deal with change.
01. Put it in perspective
02. Put a positive spin on it
You may have been thinking, “Ok, Alyssa, you say not to let it be a source of pain or upset me, but how do I actually DO that?” To this I say, “You have a valid point.” It’s not as simple as flicking a switch on your emotions, but rather takes a mindset shift (which you actually do have much more control over). I wrote an entire post on how to turn a negative into a positive that will allow you to deal with any change you may be facing. Take a look here.
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