Do you remember how I was on that shopping ban for the past year? Even though it was tough, I learned so much and most importantly better understood the value of a dollar. Now that the shopping ban is up, however, I’ve allowed myself a bit more freedom. Something that I’ve been absolutely loving is going to consignment stores.

A consignment store is where people bring in their new or gently used clothing which are held for a certain length of time in the store. If it is sold in the designated time then the person gets a cut of the sale and if not (generally) the person will take them back. The beauty of consignment shopping is that you can get great quality pieces for a quarter of the price.
For example, I recently popped into my favorite consignment shop in Princeton called Greene Street and made out like a bandit! I got four pieces for just under $100 including two J. Crew sweaters, an Ann Taylor blazer, and a darling professional dress from Laundry by Shelli Segal. These are all great quality items in wonderful condition at the best prices. Today I am going to share with you 4 tips for how to make the most of consignment shopping.
01. Location, location, location
If you want to get good quality stuff you have to go to an area where the people dress in high end brands. For example, I mentioned my favorite shop is in Princeton and that is largely because I like the style and brands that are popular there. Find an affluent area, look for a consignment shop, and go crazy.
02. Don’t look for something specific
Here’s the deal: you can easily fall in love with something at a consignment shop and it doesn’t fit, but there is no other size option because this is consignment, baby. This means that you shouldn’t go to a consignment shop with a particular item in mind. It’s best to go in with the mindset of just seeing what you can find and having fun looking.
03. Try on A LOT of things
Most of what you try on will not work. At all. It’s a good idea to give yourself a fair amount of time and try on all of the things because the majority will not be quite right.
04. Don’t let size hold you back
I know you’ve probably read a lot about size being just a number and looking for fit, but this is especially important when consignment shopping. Pieces are generally arranged by type (shirts, sweaters, dresses, etc) and then by size, so don’t be afraid to look in the medium section if you’re usually small and vice versa. When I went with my friend Calea she picked out a size dress for me that I wouldn’t have expected to fit, but it was actually perfect and is now my favorite. Take a look at all of the options and don’t restrict yourself.
So, those are my top 4 tips for consignment shopping! Hopefully these help you to find the best pieces and take advantage of the unbeatable prices.
Do you have any consignment tips?
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