For a very long time Halloween was my favorite holiday (before I changed over to Independence Day). Dressing up, eating chocolate, crisp weather, and not having to worry about gifts all serve to make Halloween a delight. While a holiday like this is all about fun, there are some elements of etiquette to keep in mind from your costume, to trick-or-treaters, to mischief night. Here my top Halloween etiquette tips to keep in mind for your celebration this year!

Costumes: Think about the setting
Haunted places: keep your hands to yourself, be respectful of others
If you’re visiting a haunted house, hayride, corn maze, etc there are some rules of thumb to follow. Firstly, don’t touch anyone: performer or patron. Secondly, avoid scaring others not in your group (and even if they are part of your party, don’t take too many liberties). It can be fun to play a trick on others, but it isn’t your job. Safety is the number one concern, so do not interfere with the spooky fun. Be respectful of others and realize that not everyone will react to a fright the same way you will!
Trick-or-treating: be generous, be safe
- When you’re giving out candy, be generous! If a child/pre-teen/teenager comes to your door in costume, give them some candy.
- Have individually wrapped treats on hand and keep your porch light on as the universal symbol that you have candy to give out.
- If you don’t want to be troubled by an ever ringing doorbell put out a bowl with a “help yourself” note.
- Be careful about trying to guess someone’s costume, because if you don’t get it right you may offend them. It’s much better to simply ask, “Would everyone tell me about your costume?”
- When taking children trick-or-treating stay together as a group and be mindful of traffic. Depending on the neighborhood there may be differing amounts of people around and it is always wise to know exactly where your charges are.
- Advise children to take one or two pieces of candy unless otherwise invited to by the homeowner. If everyone was greedy all of the houses would run out in no time.
Mischief Night: easy to clean

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