I contemplated starting a blog for a while. After spending quite a bit of time getting to know the blogging world and reading a few religiously (back when I used to bookmark them instead of using Bloglovin….I told you this was a long time ago), I finally decided to give it a go. But then I didn’t truly work on it consistently or take it seriously until 2014.

Recently I’ve had a few conversations with people looking to start a blog and seeking advice, so I thought it would be useful to share what I wish I had known when I started blogging.
01. Just start
02. The importance of community
This is something I’ve been slacking with over the past few months (cough, much more than a few months, cough). There is a whole world of bloggers out there who are creating content and putting their ideas forth, so engaging with them is one of the best ways you can build up your community. I know that I have been so bad recently with commenting on other blogs and I was the same when I first started out, but there was a sweet in-between time when I was forming relationships through mutual commenting with other bloggers. Now that I’ve grown silent I’ve noticed that comments on my own posts have decreased. When you start, seek out other bloggers with a similar or slightly larger audience to connect with and share your experiences. Support and new friends? Sign me up.
03. Money doesn’t fall from trees
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