So excited to be writing the last monthly recap post of 2020! Next week I’ll publish my annual year end review. While there will be many things that went wrong, I have a feeling I’ll realize that there were many more things that went well. Until then, let’s dive into the last recap of this wild year.

More Met photos always, because I can’t stay away.

Joe and I visited the NY Historical Society and that had a very cool exhibit on about Bill Graham, with tons of memorabilia.

Sheetal and I went to Bryant Park in search of, what else, hot chocolate.

I got in the Christmas spirit by watching White Christmas, getting hot chocolate, and going to Rockefeller Center.

Our neighborhood looked so festive and it was especially beautiful after the snow storm.

More Met.

I got Joe a surprise virtual sandwich making class on Airbnb to celebrate his birthday and we had so much fun!

We went to see family for Christmas, and it was so great to spend our first Christmas together!

Some of the festivities included seeing a home decorated with an unreal amount of blow ups and taking down our tree to prepare for the new year.

How was your December? Are you ready for this year to be over, or are you sad to see the holiday season go?
-Alyssa J
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