Since graduating and starting work full time in the city a good amount of my time is spent in transit. From bobbing and weaving as I navigate my daily walks through midtown, to the bus, to the subway, I am constantly surrounded by other people. I am a self proclaimed city lover and adore being where the action is, but when you spend 3+ hours a day commuting (my claim to fame as I live at home in Jersey with my parents to save money. Those student loans aren’t going to pay themselves, ya know. Check out how to make the most of your commute if you’re in the same boat as me), you just want everyone to abide by the rules of etiquette. I doubt that the worst offenders will find their way to my blog, but for those of you who want to make everyone else’s commute enjoyable, or at least more bearable, here are my top etiquette tips for public transportation!

Please, my goodness, do not play your music out loud
Take up as little space as possible
When it comes to stairs and escalators, leave the left side open to the power walkers
Being in the city makes me want to walk as fast as possible and find every short cut and weave through people like someone is chasing me. I know not everyone feels this way, but to make space for those who do, please stay to your right if you are going to go slowly and leave the left open to the speed demons.
Let people get off before you push your way in
Don’t stop moving, or if you have to step toward the wall
Use common sense
What are your etiquette rules for public transportation? Do people do anything that drives you mad?
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