I am proudly frugal. I will walk an extra 20 minutes to avoid paying for another subway ride. I will buy all of my clothing from a consignment shop. Heck, I’ll even stop shopping for an entire year (although to be fair, that was a minimalist experiment, just like my recent packing post). However, I know that there’s more to growing your net worth than simply saving money (check out all of my money saving posts here, here, here, here, and here).

Aside from saving money like, well, Scrooge, or getting a higher paying job or a side hustle, you can also make your money work for you. While I am gearing up to start investing after just finishing college, here are some basic tips I’ve learned from my research to think about when managing your investments. And remember, there are so many different strategies, so take all advice with a grain of salt and make your own, informed decisions. Here are some articles I’ve found helpful so far: easy ways to start investing, how to start investing, best investing advice for 2018.
Know your investing personality
Know what you’re investing in
Be aware of fees
There is a lot to learn as you venture into investing, but don’t let the vast amount of information scare you off. The earlier you start, the more time you will have to improve your strategy and grow your net worth.
What do you consider when investing? Do you have any advice for people starting out?
This is a collaborative post that may contain affiliate links.
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