Hello, and welcome back! There were a lot of big life celebrations this quarter. I also noticed more of the changing seasons living outside of the city than I did when we were in Manhattan. I don’t know if it’s because we’re spending more time outside or because we’re introducing our baby to the seasons for the first time – whatever the reason, I’m very glad to be experiencing the warm weather.

Life events included seeing my childhood friend Carly get married, celebrating my sister-in-law’s high school graduation, and our baby’s baptism!

We’ve been enjoying so much outdoor time and shedding the blankets and hats from earlier in the spring.

Getting back to work (and Joe transitioning back from his paternity leave) has been intense and gratifying. I am so glad I am passionate about my work, and while there have been hard days trying to manage the baby and spending time with Joe and connecting with myself, I am loving this time in my life.

Something I haven’t mentioned on the blog yet (and that I don’t have any great pictures of) is that I’ve taken up tennis again! I’ve been going to lessons and Joe and I have begun playing together. It’s been great to stay active and have a shared hobby.

I’m looking forward to more days in the sun with family and friends <3
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