Even though it has been warm in NYC this fall, I’m starting to look forward to the holiday season now that we’re in November! I don’t know exactly what the future holds, but this may be our last Christmas living in the city, so I want to be extra intentional this season to make the most of these months. I loved creating my summer bucket list earlier this year and brainstormed what I want to make sure to do this season – let’s jump in!

Host a Gathering
This is the first year we’re hosting a major holiday (Thanksgiving!) and while it will be small with immediate family, it’s still exciting to be the one in charge of the time together. It will be simple and fun to plan and put it all together. Hosting doesn’t have to be a big affair, but if you can plan time to open up your home to others it will be rewarding!
Try out new hot chocolate
If you follow me on Instagram you’ll have seen that my friend Sheetal and I love to try out hot chocolate in the city. This season I want to try out a new place and see if there are any rivals for our favorites.
Schedule a few days off just because
Raise your hand if you’re getting to the end of the year and realizing that you still have vacation days to take 🙋♀️ It’s time to schedule some days for the holidays, but also just because. Of course you have to make sure that you are taking care of what is important (many jobs, like sales, have a big push in the last quarter of the year), but the reality is that if you plan ahead you can take some much deserved time off.
See the holiday windows on Fifth Ave
This is NYC specific, but you can insert the equivalent for your area. There’s nothing like taking a chilly walk along the avenue to see the displays, preferably with a hot chocolate in hand.
Set the Mood for a gift wrapping session
Lay out your supplies by the tree, light a candle, get the Christmas tunes playing and make it a whole experience.
create a planning system for 2023
Last year I shared a post about prepping for the new year and reviewing what went well and what I want to improve. This coming year I’ve been thinking about the systems I use (calendars, notebooks, digital to do lists) and considering how to simplify even further. For you this could mean buying a planner or starting a digital calendar or just thinking about what you want to make sure to focus on next year – set aside some time to reflect on what works for you!
Final push for reading goals!
I don’t set a number of books goal anymore, but I do try and outdo myself each year with the number of pages I read (you can track this in the “stats” section on Goodreads). Now is the time to check in on your reading goals and get excited to use some downtime to curl up with a great book and exceed your goals!
Plan a fancy night out for New Year’s Eve
I love to dress up, have a delicious meal out, and (more likely than not) be home to welcome in the new year at midnight. Plan whatever type of night you’d most enjoy so you can look forward to the celebration.
What are you planning for this season? Any traditions you’ll make sure to do?
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