I love waving goodbye to summer and embracing the start of autumn. At the end of the month the weather started to turn and I’m excited for crisp days ahead. Before we move on to that, let’s recap what went on this month!

The month started out celebrating Austen’s birthday!

Sheetal and I continued our trend of always getting sweets together and we tried out the Supreme croissant at Lafayette. It totally lives up to the hype, but there was just so much filling that we couldn’t eat. We probably should have shared one!

We also went to the US Open and watched the women’s semifinals. It was so fun to be there and a great NYC end to the summer!

This month also included a Celebrate Joe Day (a random day that we do for one another since our birthdays are so close to one another and we need more reasons to celebrate throughout the year). It started with a pour over coffee gift, then a sandwich tour (we highly recommend this Airbnb experience), and a jazz show at Smoke on the UWS.

A highlight of going into the office this month was seeing the Google NYC orchestra perform!

I was really excited to launch my podcast this month – Stories New & Old! You can check out this post for more details and be sure to subscribe 🙂
I went to NJ this month for about a week. Scheduling got all moved around, but I was able to go to some doctors appointments, plus Mama and I went to see the Piano Guys at the NJ PAC.

Mama and Papa drove me into the city and we were able to go to the Polonsky Exhibit at the NYPL and we also stopped by Rockefeller Center.

The amount of social plans the last few weeks have been off the charts! We got together with my coworker and his girlfriend to play board games, I went to see Come From Away (loved it!) with Hanna, and we went to Brooklyn to have dinner with Alex and Jamie (they made us a delicious meal!).

My friend Hansel, who I met when I was in Italy, was in the city so we had a day of wandering around Central Park.

I’m writing this post on Sunday and have plans to get together with Christina on Monday, have a game night with James and Chrystalla on Tuesday, and more dinners and lunches being scheduled. I absolutely get my energy from being around other people, so I’m thriving with these social interactions.
How was your September? Are you ready for autumn?
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