I’ve been toying around with the idea of starting a podcast for a while now, and I’ve finally taken the plunge! I’m launching the Stories New & Old podcast and I wanted to share on the blog why I’m adding a podcast into my content mix, what you can expect, and how you can support.

Why am I starting a podcast?
I love to perform. When I was growing up, I did theater and still jump on any opportunity I can get to present and be “on stage”. I’ve been blogging since 2014, and while I love it and have no intention of stopping, I realized that I am in such a routine with it and I wanted to experiment with a new medium – enter podcasting.
This is a new way for me to share the stories I love telling and to bring more of my enthusiasm and personality to the content. I can “perform” without leaving the house and can hopefully reach a broader audience of people who are interested in the same things I am…which brings me to the question
What can you expect?
I am going to cover topics very similar to what I write about on the blog. In fact, the first two episodes of Stories New & Old cover stories I wrote about on the blog in more detail (and with more of my commentary).
You can expect to see back in time episodes, book recommendations, and stories that are capturing my attention at the moment. As always, I’d love input, so feel free to reach out to me here with any suggestions!
I’m still planning out how often episodes will be released and how they will coexist on the same calendar with blog posts coming out. To start, you can expect one to two episodes a month with corresponding blog posts, and we’ll see how it goes from there!
How can you support?
The reality is that if I was going to monetize my blog (put ads on it, take on sponsorships, sell products), I probably would have done it by now. I imagine the same will be true for the podcast. I create this content because I enjoy it and it’s a fun way to spend my time. It’s rare that I look at how many page views I get and I’m expecting it to be the same for how many listens I receive.
With that said, I do crave connecting with others on the topics I am passionate about, so the best way you can support the podcast is by sharing it with people you think will enjoy it! You can subscribe on the platform of your choice (Spotify, Apple Podcasts) and you can listen to the trailer below!
Thank you for being here for each evolution of me sharing what I love! From the early days when this website was “Keep it Simple,” to the most recent refresh of the blog, I am excited to continue to experiment and have fun 🙂
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