Time feels like it is absolutely flying by. Especially now that the weather has turned, I’m realizing just how quickly the year is progressing. The best word to describe life right now is fun. I’m finally feeling like I can go places without too much Covid concern (still being cautious, but no longer scared) and it’s easy to make plans with friends and family and be fairly confident we won’t make each other sick. Hence, welcome the fun!

Speaking of getting together with friends, I had a marathon day hanging out with Nina in Soho, complete with a stop at Maman’s because I’m obsessed.

Work and being in the office continues to be a lot of fun! My job is pretty challenging right now (my role was completely changed up at the start of the year, so there’s tons to learn), but I’m doing a good job of keeping a positive mindset and enjoying the work. I’ve also gotten to participate in so many customer meetings in person and love getting to run around the city to interact.

Joe and I went to a friend’s wedding at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and it was beautiful! They had an amazing band and we danced the night away.

We’ve been getting together with friends for great meals, like John and Christina for Italian and James and Chrystalla for Greek, but I keep forgetting to take pictures. So enjoy this photo of the remnants of a great meal.

April was an abysmal reading month. I pretty much hated each book (you can see all of my reviews on my Instagram highlight), but I have a feeling May is going to be better.

I went to the Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Garden with Sheetal and it was magical.

Addison came to the apartment for Easter and we had a delicious and sort of random meal.

That golden light has been hitting the building across from our apartment perfectly every afternoon.

We headed to south Jersey to celebrate Joe’s grandmother’s birthday. The weather was so perfect outside and I got to read in absolute bliss.

The following weekend we headed up to Massachusetts to celebrate my grandfather’s birthday. It was really exciting to see my uncles (we rarely all get together because they live far away) and celebrate. It was also Joe’s first time in Massachusetts to visit (he’s the photographer in this picture) so it was special to have the whole family together.

How was your April? What are you looking forward to this season?
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