Sometimes I miss the old days of blogging when I would just hop on here and share whatever was on my mind. I used to publish three times a week, and often I would including musings and round ups. Now that I post once a week, I find that I am more focused on putting together helpful or entertaining posts about a particular theme. This week I wanted to take a break from that and just share three things that I’ve enjoyed recently.

Going to the office
I’ve been going into the office more and thoroughly enjoying it. It’s great to be able to see other people, to work in a new environment, to break up the week, and to eat great food (the cafeterias at Google are superb!). There is also such a different feeling to my day when I go through the process of commuting and moving around from room to room to take my calls. I’m very grateful that I have a nice place to work that is easily accessible.

Focusing on learning for the fun of it
I was reconsidering my quarterly goals last month and realized that I didn’t want to limit learning to my work, but instead to embrace learning for fun and enjoyment. To that end, I’m currently reading a book called The American Experiment by David M. Rubenstein which is a series of interviews about what makes America unique and exemplary.
I’ve also enjoyed watching videos on YouTube about NYC architecture. This series from Architectural Digest is great!
Sunday mornings at maman
I’ve started spending the first hour and a half of my Sunday at maman – the perfect cafe with many locations – eating a croissant and writing in my journal or reading. It’s a peaceful and fulfilling way to start Sunday and it is a great way to get out of the apartment and experience a new environment (seeing a theme here?). I won’t go every Sunday because sometimes I have plans or am not in the city, but I’m making an effort to go more often than not.

What have you been loving recently? What’s bringing you joy?
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