It feels very strange that almost a month has gone by since I decided to take a blog break! And while this is not an “I’m back” blog post, it is a “something new is coming soon” post.

I’ve started to work on a complete refresh for the site. From the look and feel, to the backend management (I am learning so many tech things migrating from the free Blogger site that I’ve been using since the beginning to a self hosted WordPress site, and I’m changing my domain to reflect my new last name!), to the goals and content you’ll see.
My goal is to launch the new site in July. As you may know, my favorite holiday is Independence Day, and it feels right to have the birth of our nation line up with the “birth” of the my new content (which, as you’d imagine, will be very history focused).
I’ll share a specific launch date soon, but for now just know that something good is coming soon!
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