Welcome to a new year of Monthly Recaps! This month was very admin heavy as I was going through the process of changing my name. From getting my new license, to updating my passport, to changing my name wherever I have an account, it’s been a process. I decided to leave my website as alyssajfreitas.com until it’s up for renewal and then I’ll switch it over.

Most of my time in January was spent in the museum, reading at home, or visiting various government agencies and banks to take care of the name change. It makes for a not too exciting month of pictures, but I want to continue documenting this series as it’s fun to look back on!
I was so excited to receive our wedding album this month! I’ve loved flipping through it and reliving the sweet memories.
I took my first trip to the museum without having a section I needed to visit. It was quite liberating! I went back to favorites like the 19th and Early 20th Century European Paintings and Sculpture section and the European Paintings section.
As usual, I’ve been taking many walks and enjoying switching it up between the water and the park.
Sheetal and I hung out in the park, despite the frigid temperatures, and explored places to take photos.
Breakfast in bed, featuring a chocolate chip banana muffin I made that turned out delicious! I used this recipe and substituted sour cream for milk and butter.
On my birthday, Joe and I went to the museum with our friends James and Chrystalla and had the best time! Even though I couldn’t get my girlfriends together for a meal like I normally do, I still had so much fun and was glad I was able to see some friends!
How was your January? Is 2021 off to a good start?
-Alyssa J
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