This was a HUGE month. We got married!!! I couldn’t wait to put together October’s recap post because there is so much to share.
I came home at the end of the first week of October so that Joe and I would be separate from each other leading up to the wedding. I chilled out with my family, read a ton, and ate delicious food, enjoying my last few days as a single lady.

We got married on October 4th and it was just the best day. I had a cinnamon roll for breakfast (it was national cinnamon roll day!), got my hair and makeup done, and then headed over to the venue. I could not wait to see Joe and our small group of family and friends. If you want to see more photos, check out this post. And I’ll have more wedding advice posts to come. Still working through ideas, so if you have any requests let me know!

Right after the wedding we headed off to our honeymoon at Mohonk Mountain House. It was the perfect, short getaway, and was great for social distancing. We don’t know when we’ll get to go on our originally planned honeymoon in Europe, so we are really glad we got to go to Mohonk. It’ll also be a great place to visit on our anniversary in years to come!

When we got back to the city I visited the Met and was so glad to get to spend time there.

I also got to visit Green-Wood Cemetery with Mama and Papa, which was very cool. It was absolutely beautiful and the historic significance is interesting to look into.

I’ve been enjoying my city walks and am trying to take advantage of the weather before it disappears. Getting to see friends has been super important, and Sheetal and I had a great time playing tennis and getting hot chocolate afterwards (naturally) this month.

I am so grateful we got to have our micro wedding and mini moon, and that we still got to have these experiences in 2020! How was your October?
-Alyssa J
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