This month held some new and fun changes and partnerships on the blog, and more long NYC walks. It’s also the first month that we’ve seen anyone who isn’t our family, and it was a strange and happy experience to socially distance with others.

On the blog I made a change to the design of my main images for each post. There’s still my classic square, and I’m going with more vintage photos when not using my own (see here and here). I also shared more of my own photos in a room redo post and a partnership with a wedding invitation company. Now on to this month not in the digital world…
Loved seeing these gas lanterns on my walk and the new flowers.
There was a scary time this month when everything was boarded up in the neighborhood and the curfew was in effect. Luckily there wasn’t any substantial damage in our area and there are reminders everywhere of what the protestors are fighting for.
My boredom levels are definitely increasing…I’m now playing games by myself 😂
I walk past the Teddy Roosevelt statue every morning and I am very sorry to see it go. For a long time now there has been a series of questions and explanations at the base of the statue addressing the historical implications and the modern interpretation of the meaning of the statue. To me it is a shame that it is being taken down despite the clear and consistent way the controversy has been addressed.
Our evening walks are always along the water and we’ve been treated to some beautiful views.
We mailed our wedding invitations!!! Now let’s see if it’s actually going to happen like we planned in September 🤞

Sheetal and I had our first socially distanced hang out and it was amazing to see each other!
Joe and I are visiting family this week (hence why this post is going up late) and it’s been wonderful to get out of the city for a little while. So grateful that our families are right across the river in Jersey.
Looking forward to celebrating Independence Day and having safe fun this summer!
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