We all knew this was coming, right? I haven’t written an etiquette post since last year when we chatted about Friendsgiving – it feels like a lifetime ago. So what’s been on my etiquette mind (since it’s certainly not travel, or concerts, or going out with friends)? Quarantine, of course! This is going to be a combination of working from home and going-out-only-when-necessary tips.

Working from home
- Default to having your video on. It helps people understand your message better when they can see your body language and can help you feel more connected.
- Keep your background distraction free, as much as your space will allow. I’ve created my own standing desk by putting a breakfast tray on top of my bureau – get creative!
- Tell other people immediately if you’re having trouble hearing them. Although you may interrupt them, it’s better than letting them talk for a while and then they have to repeat themselves.
- If you’re sharing your screen and presenting, ask if others on the call can see everything ok. You may need to make your presentation larger and zoom in.
- Treat this like a normal meeting – feel free to engage in some small talk, but get to your agenda and end on time. People may be in back to back calls, and you don’t want to be the one to delay their day – and you might be in that situation yourself!
When you’re out and about
Respect the rules, and respect other people’s space. Even if it may not seem like a big deal to you to walk closely to others on the street, or cross the aisle in the super market next to someone, they might be at greater risk than you, and you don’t know it. Again the takeaway here is to have regard for others.
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