I am so into November. It’s finally chilly, I have my few Thanksgiving decorations up (still festive, but not time to go over the top for Christmas), and it’s perfectly acceptable to cozy up on a Sunday afternoon at home near the radiator. Another reason I’m into November? So many opportunities to rely on etiquette to help us have a fun time. You’ll remember from previous posts that the purpose of etiquette is to help everyone feel at ease, and today I’m excited to jump into Friendsgiving etiquette!

Find out what to bring
Plan ahead
When you arrive, be helpful!
Keep conversation flowing
We all know the feeling of getting through the usual small talk with someone and not knowing where to take the conversation next. This can be particularly difficult when it’s someone you don’t know well and are unsure of his or her interests. Now is the time to pull out your inner investigator and use some questions to find common ground. Asking about travel experiences and plans, books, music, holiday memories and the like is a good way to start. Be an active listener and make follow up inquiries to keep the conversation going.
…And appropriate
Help cleanup, but know when to leave
Figuring out when it’s time to leave is an art that is somewhat difficult. You do not want to be the last remaining nor do you want to leave too early. If the host has put an end time on the invitation, then this is a straightforward indication of when you should begin to gather yourself. If there isn’t a specific end time look to signals from your hostess such as if she remarks on the time or finishes clearing up.
Send a thank you note
Check out more etiquette posts here and the posts that inspired a lot of the points here and here.
Anything else you would add? Hope everyone who is attending a Friendsgiving has a fabulous time.
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