I just got together with Kajal this past week and we realized it had been months since we’d seen one another. We launched into our life updates. How’s your work/schooling? How’s your health? How’re your friends and family? There’s always a few areas that we’re working on or that we’re currently challenged by, and we share those with one another and ask for advice. These catch up conversations, in addition to texting and phone calls, happen with all of my friends and can be so helpful!

Did you read my post about missing the past? This shift in what I talk about has been a great way to address those feelings. It’s a bit like that song “Turn it Off” from Book of Mormon where it talks about not feeling your feelings. I’m not suggesting that you ignore things that are bothering you, rather I’m saying that we should acknowledge and talk about it with a limited number of people, address it, and move forward with all future conversations. I’ve found that this is a great way to be positive and to get your friend’s perspective on what is really important – what’s happening in the future/what you’re working towards!
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