This short month was action packed! Last month I had a few categories that I grouped photos into, but this month I’m going to go in chronological order and see how we like that. Good? Good.

Birthday Dinner
On February 1st I went out with my girlfriends to celebrate my birthday. We went to the Hourglass Tavern and had a scrumptious meal and awesome conversation. I love when I can bring together friends who don’t know one another and have a great time.

This was one of the most highly anticipated days of February. I had been listening to the Hamilton soundtrack non-stop (if you know, you know), and finally splurged and got myself a ticket. The show was amazing and the excitement was off the charts. I will say that because I listened to it so much, I went in with expectations of how it would sound and be performed and I was slightly disappointed when it didn’t match the image in my head. Regardless, I would make the investment to go again and am always happy when I get to see live performances, especially one of this caliber.

California: A Saga
I was in California for the majority of February. I headed out to the annual IBM Think conference and did not come back until a few days ago. First I did some sightseeing with Sheetal in San Francisco when I first arrived. Naturally, ice cream was included.

This is the only picture I got from Think and I realized after the fact that I should have stood closer to the camera. I loved getting to spend time with my manager in person and with my clients.

On my last day in San Francisco, after the conference ended, I went to Alcatraz because I didn’t get to go when Ally and I did our California trip in senior year. It was interesting to learn about the history of the island and I did a night tour that allowed me to see the bay at sunset.

The next day I flew to LA and went to the Getty Center. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that so many museums in California are free.

Then…Lady arrived! We were so excited to spend the night in the Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills (thank you, special offer from Hilton), and we started the trip out on a high note. We checked out the LACMA, Spadena House, Rodeo Drive, LA Farmer’s Market, La Brea Tar Pits, The Chinese Theater, The Hollywood Sign, The Griffith Observatory, and more! We really do pack a lot into our vacation days.

Then we were off to the most highly anticipated part of the trip: Disneyland! We went to both parks, and spent three days enjoying the best snacks, rides, and shows. Our matching red coats made for great pictures 🙂

We headed back to LA and got to see the Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Broad museum, the Last Bookstore, the Getty Villa, the Palm for Mama’s birthday, and, of course, ate more ice cream.

This month was an absolute blast! Hopefully I’ll get to sleep in my own bed a bit more in March, but we’ll see where the month takes us.
What were you up to in February?
Monthly recaps can be found here.
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