I’m super excited because Joe and I got tickets for an all day concert this summer where the Lumineer’s will be performing! I’m really looking forward to it and when Casey suggested I do a post on concert etiquette it was just the thing to get even more in the mood.

When I first started doing my research I was surprised to find that there is actually a Wikipedia page dedicated to the topic of concert etiquette. They divide out the guidelines based on music type, but for this post I’m going to give general tips, and sprinkle in a few genre specific ones as we go along.
Concert dos
Do arrive early so you can pick a preferred seat/standing area if it’s general admission, or so you can make your way to your seat without disturbing others once the concert has begun. And if you arrive after the concert has begun and the audience is seated, wait until a break in the music to take your seat.
Do take your cues from the crowd in terms of singing along. When everyone is jumping and singing along, join in, but don’t belt your heart out if it’s going to prevent others from actually hearing and enjoying the artist.
Do take your cues on applause from the crowd too. If you’re at a classical music concert it can sometimes be tricky to tell when it’s the end of a piece, so let the audience around you lead the way with applause.
Do help people up if you’re in a mosh situation to help avoid injury, and hold lost items high above your head so they can be reclaimed by the owner who is most likely around you.
Do be aware of personal space if you are at a standing concert, but not in a mosh pit situation. No one wants to be bumped and stepped on during a show, so temper your movements and be respectful. This is also very important if people are holding drinks.
Concert donts
Don’t push and block others when you’re in a general admission situation. Or at least make reasonable adjustments to help those around you enjoy the concert (this advice is, admittedly coming from a short girl).
Don’t film the entire concert and post it to social media. One, no one is watching it without clicking through quickly. Two, you’re never going to watch it again. Three, it detracts from your own experience, living in the moment. Four, it can block others’ views, which is a big no.
Don’t cough if you are at a classical music concert, if you can help it. Come prepared with cough drops (not in noisy wrappers – open a few ahead of time).
Don’t push your way to the front of the crowd, especially in a group. You didn’t get there early, so the front is not your right.
Going to a concert can be a great experience, made fantastic when those around you all act with courtesy. Remember, etiquette is all about putting those around you at ease.
What would you add to these lists?
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