It’s that time of year when I start reflecting on my blogging since January. I think about what posts I had the most fun writing, which ones actually helped improve my own life, and how I want to move forward with the next year. Today I’m going to share with you the best posts from 2018, and what to expect from the blog in 2019.

How A Minimalist Packs For A Week In Europe (In A Backpack!) – my first attempt at doing a YouTube “how to” video
Personal Development/Lifestyle/Career
Back In Time

What to expect in 2019
By far, I had the most fun writing my Back In Time posts. They definitely take longer and require research and fact checking at a whole different level than my other posts, but that’s part of why I love it. I learn something new and find it’s the most stimulating, so there will be many more history posts in 2019.
I also wrote far less etiquette posts than I would have liked. In fact, I only wrote three etiquette posts in 2018. This coming year I would like to get more creative in my etiquette topics and would love to answer specific questions from readers.
Something I want to do in 2019 in general is document everyday life. I have my journal, of course, but I want to be more conscious of taking pictures.
Based on these reflections (and my recent writer’s block post…I want to avoid that in the future), I’ve decided to institute a schedule for next year. I will still be publishing a post every Wednesday and now each week will consistently have a theme. Week one is etiquette, week two is personal choice (career, lifestyle, personal development – whatever is on my mind), week three is Back In Time, and week four is a monthly life review.
With this schedule in place I hope to have less of that “oh goodness, what should I write about” feeling every week and I’ll be able to focus on those topics that are most inspiring for me. This schedule is subject to change as I feel it out for the first few months, but I am optimistic that it will be helpful and I’ll be able to stick with it!
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on the blog in 2019? Any etiquette questions or historical topics you’d like to me delve into? Let me know!
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