I recently made a tough decision. Have you heard about MoviePass? You most likely have, and if you haven’t here’s the quick story. Some guys got together and said, “Hey, it seems like people really dig subscription services…you know what would be a great subscription – unlimited movies!!!” Then these guys set out to create a business model that would allow you to see one movie, every day, for about $10/month. It seems like the goal was to get enough people using MoviePass to make it sustainable, but instead it’s been plagued with fraud and hasn’t scaled quite like envisioned.

I was so excited by MoviePass at the onset that I purchased a year long subscription. Well, since then MoviePass has limited the number of movies you can see and there have been a whole host of problems with the app – however, I decided to stick it out until March when my subscription is up and then reevaluate. I’ve just been having too much fun going to theaters to give up just yet. Plus, I’ve already seen enough movies that it’s paid for itself, so why not keep it going?
Here are the movies I’ve seen since getting MoviePass and my unscientific star rating for each one
The Death of Stalin
Isle of Dogs
I Feel Pretty
Incredibles 2
Three Identical Strangers
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again
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