A while back I finally decided to subscribe to Spotify, at the repeated suggestion of my brother (thanks, pal). Since then I’ve had a great time exploring new (to me) music and finding playlists. Today I’m sharing with you the best playlists I’ve found for the workday. If you have any suggestions, please please leave them in the comments! Always on the lookout for other playlists to add variety.

Stress-Free Studying by Alxrnbrdmusic
I first found this channel on YouTube and was so glad to be able to follow on Spotify (without commercials!). This stress-free studying playlist is great for work and because you probably won’t recognize the songs, it will be easy to listen to without singing along.
sun rays by Kalyn Nicholson
Kalyn is a YouTuber I follow who uses great music in her videos. When I discovered that she also makes Spotify playlists, I was hooked. This playlist is bright and fun to get your day going.
Reading Chillout by Spotify
Whether you’re reading, writing emails, or doing whatever else it is that you do in a day of work, here’s a playlist to keep you working.
Your Favorite Coffeehouse by Spotify
Another good one from Spotify! This playlist is warm and mellow. I like to pair this with the coffee shop sounds from Noisli to transport me to another place, without actually having to move from my desk.
If you’re interested in learning about how Spotify makes their playlists, check out this video from BuzzFeed – seems like a dream job to me.
PLEASE let me know if you have any other recommendations! I am on the hunt for more great music to listen to during the workday.
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