I thought I did a lot in college. I thought my calendar was full and that I was balancing a ton. And yes, I was definitely involved and had a lot to keep track of, but I’ve now realized that was the easy stuff. Working full time, blogging and taking on other writing projects, seeing my family, keeping in touch with friends, and being in a relationship have brought my calendar to another level. And I’m sure when someday I’m blogging about being an executive and raising kids and traveling the world (hey, a girl can dream), I’ll look back at this post and laugh.

It’s taken me some time to figure out a new method of organizing my calendar, but I finally feel like I’m in a good groove. Here are my top tips for keeping track of your calendar and tasks when there’s so much going on.
Types of calendars
Note: I am a big proponent of having digital v. paper calendars (although I do admit that sometimes paper will win out). Always having my calendar with me on my phone, being able to easily share and change events, and my terrible handwriting all contribute to my opinion. If paper is your jam, then you can color code in place of where I described my different “calendars.”
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