People always talk about how if you have your health, you have everything. I’ve always acknowledged that statement, but never fully realized how the way you physically feel can impact every single aspect of your life. Without going in to too much detail, I’m currently trying to figure out a tricky health situation myself and although thank goodness I have found some relief in recent days, I can’t quite describe the fear and sadness and yes, physical pain, that can distract you from your life. When every call from the doctor raises another issue and possibility, it is hard to maintain a sunny disposition and positive outlook.
Ruthie Lindsey

Guys. This girl is such an inspiration. Instead of attempting to explain her story, take a few minutes to watch this powerful video. Then go to her Instagram and take in the positivity and joy and kindness she shares.

Britt Johnson

Britt aka Hurt Blogger waited years to be properly diagnosed with Behcet’s Disease, a rare form of vascular autoimmune arthritis. What I love about Britt is the way that she embraces physical activity, and faces every associated pain in a truthful and awesome way. Her Instagram is the hub of her story, with some blog posts when more detail is needed. One Instagram post to point to in particular includes this chain of comments all about how we think of “exercise.”
Lara Parker

This is a site with multiple contributors that share information about chronic illnesses and how to “cope, move, eat, live, and share” in an accessible and helpful way. From dating, to how to afford medical care, to using writing to cope (amen) there is something to help everyone.
One note I want to make is how I didn’t come across many male chronic illness writers/Instagrammers. My theory is that women are more inclined to seek community as a way of healing and coping, but I also don’t know if perhaps I was biased in my search. If you know of any chronic illness male content creators, let me know!
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